Grant County Judge Executive
(859) 823-7561
The Judge Executive serves as the Chief Executive/Administrative Officer of the county. They are a member and presiding officer of the fiscal court. They oversee county roads, prepare and administer the county budget, perform weddings, and appoint with Fiscal Court approval, all members to various boards and committees. The judge executive has the authority to appoint, supervise, suspend, and remove county personnel, with fiscal court approval, unless state law provides otherwise.

Grant County Animal Shelter
(859) 824-9403
Responsible for assisting in the operation of the animal shelter and for the enforcement of animal control ordinances within the jurisdiction of the county and cities of Grant County.

Grant County Attorney's Office
(859) 823-5091
Responsibilities are to serve as the legal counsel for county government. They represent the county and county officials when they are named as parties in legal actions and attend fiscal court meetings. The county attorney also prosecutes violations of the criminal law within the jurisdiction of the district court. Other Job duties include cold checks, delinquent taxes and child support.

Grant County Building Inspector
(859) 824-9608
Responsibilities include issuing of all building permits in the county and performing three separate building inspections for new homes constructions, including walls, framing and final inspection.

Grant County CDW
(859) 824-5063
Responsible for processing complaints against under 18 juveniles who have committed public and status offenses. Minor complaints are monitored by the CDW office while major offenses are sent to juvenile court in district court.

Grant County Child Support
(859) 824-0906
Responsibilities include collecting and distributing child support payments and arrearages to the appropriate parties.

Grant County Circuit Court Judge
(859) 824-7516
Responsibilities include hearing all civil matters involving more than $4,400. The circuit court has jurisdiction of capital offenses and felonies, divorce, adoption, termination of parental rights, land title problems, and contested probate of wills.

Grant County Circuit & District Clerk
(859) 824-4467
Responsible for all circuit criminal, circuit civil, district civil, small claims, juvenile adoption, probate, traffic, misdemeanor, felony, and mental health cases. Also responsible for issuing drivers licenses, identification cards and jury reporting. The Circuit Clerks office is open the last Saturday of the month unless a holiday.

Grant County Clerk
(859) 824-3321
Responsibilities include: issue of auto registrations, registering voters and performing other election-related duties. The county clerk retains written verification of certain oaths of office, stores various legal records and county records, and prepares the county tax bills.

Grant County Commonwealth Attorney
(502) 732-5841
Responsibilities include prosecuting felony crime cases within the 15th judicial district including Grant, Owen, and Carroll counties.

Grant County Community Service-Juveniles
(859) 823-2345
Responsibilities include finding community service for Juveniles as well as working with the community to establish new service projects.

Grant County Conservation District
(859) 823-2291
The Grant County Conservation District provides education and leadership in matters of soil and natural resources.

Grant County Coroner
(859) 823-5641
Responsibilities include investigating certain types of deaths and attempts to determine cause. Coroners have the full power and authority of peace officers, including the power to arrest, bear arms and administer oaths.

Grant County Detention Center
(859) 824-5191
The Grant County Detention Center is a 348 bed facility which houses adult male and female offenders. The facility houses both Grant County and State inmates. It is ran by the jailer who reports to the fiscal court.

Grant County District Judge
(859) 824-0189
Responsibilities include hearing civil cases involving $4,000 or less, juvenile matters, city and county ordinances, misdemeanors, traffic offenses, probate of wills, felony preliminaries, and small claims.

Grant County Emergency Management
(859) 824-5195
Responsible for coordinating local, state and federal resources during a declared emergency.

Grant County Extension Office
(859) 824-3355
We’re part of the University of Kentucky’s and Kentucky State University’s off-campus information networks. Let us connect you to UK, KSU and the world. We deliver information, education, and solutions. And we grow ideas into better communities, stronger local economies, and healthier lives. Contact us today and see how we can make a difference in your life. For Events follow this link http://ces.ca.uky.edu/grant

Grant County Health Department
(859) 824-5074
Offers immunizations, well-child check-ups, school physicals, home visitation support for new parents, family planning, nutrition therapy, diabetes counseling, communicable diseases information and senior services. Also provides environmental public health services such as on-site sewage system inspections, cistern and well sampling, radon testing, and indoor air quality education.

Grant County Parks Department
(859) 428-4500
Responsibilities include scheduling, planning, coordinating, and supervising the operations of the County Park and recreational activities.

Grant County Property Valuation Administrator
(859) 824-6511
Responsibilities include assessing all property, both real and personal, that lies within Grant County with certain exceptions in which values are set by the state.

Grant County Public Defender
(859) 282-0818; Fax: 859.282.1582
Defending low-income individuals and juveniles in Boone, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant and Owen Counties against criminal charges. Public Defenders are appointed by the judge at arraignment. When you are in court, ask the judge for a public defender. Department of Public Advocacy 8311 US 42 Victory Centre Ste. 210 Florence, KY 41042 Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm

Grant County Public Library
(859) 824-2080
Offers books, magazines, CDs, and DVD’s, programs for all ages, assistance in locating information, a local history room, fourteen Internet computers, and a wireless access, photocopier, and FAX service. Books for homebound are available upon request.

Grant County Road Department
(859) 823-4841
Responsible for the organization of continuous maintenance and repair program for county roads; including road clearing, road marking, bridge construction, and related public works maintenance activities.

Grant County Sheriff’s Office
(859) 824-3333
Responsibilities include acting as a law enforcement official, collecting real property taxes, provides court security as well as educational programs.

Grant County Solid Waste
(859) 824-3050
Responsibilities include public education, as well as state and local clean-ups, management of all recycling programs within the county and investigation of all citizen complaints with regard to possible open dump sites.

Grant County Surveyor
(513) 748-8192
Please contact David Blaker for more information.

Grant County Tourism
(859) 824-3451
Welcome to Grant County Kentucky The Heart of Northern Kentucky. Click here for more information.

Grant County Veterans Office
(859) 824-0940
Responsibilities of this office include providing veterans and their families with counseling and assistance in filing claims for state and federal veterans benefits, service-connected disabilities, increases in existing compensation, veterans pensions, death pensions, education benefits along with registration for VA medical care.
Where Can I?
Not sure who to contact regarding a specific issue or with questions? Please visit our FAQ area or click on the below Departments and Agencies button with additional county contact information.
Where do I report a crime?
Please contact the Grant County Sheriff’s department at (859) 824-3333 or visit their website at grantcountysheriff.com.
Where do I find inmate information?
Please visit this site for additional inmate information.
Where do I obtain a marriage license?
Please contact the Grant County Clerk’s Office at (859) 824-3321 or visit their website at grant.countyclerk.us.
Where do I renew my vehicle registration?
Please visit or contact the Grant County Clerk’s office at (859) 824-3321 or visit their website at grant.countyclerk.us.
Where can I find my delinquent tax bill?
Please contact the Grant County Clerk’s Office at (859) 824-3321 or visit their website at grant.countyclerk.us.
Where do I pay my property tax?
Please contact the Grant County Sheriff’s department at (859) 824-3333 or visit their website at grantcountysheriff.com.
Where can I register to vote?
Please contact the Grant County Clerk’s Office at (859) 824-3321 or visit their website at grant.countyclerk.us.
Where do I call with question about my tax assessments?
Please contact the Grant County PVA’s Office at (859) 824-6511 or visit their website at grantpva.com.
Where do I call with questions about Grant County roads?
Please contact the Grant County Road’s Department at (859) 823-4851.